Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A New Logo, a New Year, and a Whole New Set of Lies

Alright. Look at the top of this page. I'll wait.

The very first image result when you Google, "this is taking forever".

After arduous months of thinking, and grueling minutes of actual work, I am pleased to reveal to you, dear friends, the new logo for The 8-Bit Variety Show! You'll notice that it takes some cues from the logo for our podcast, integrating similar font work and color schemes, thus creating the image of a more cohesive site aesthetic. Anyone who has spent any amount of time here knows that there is nothing cohesive about The 8-Bit Variety Show... I just wanted it to LOOK like there was.

This little redesign is part of a larger, overarching revitalization for 8BitVS, and it's one that I hope you'll all continue to enjoy. I know that we were all in love with the campy goodness of "MegaMan with a Top Hat and Cane", but this logo, along with some overall changes to our layout and About page, make this place feel a little more like home.

Don't worry, though! All the things that make 8BitVS delightfully entertaining and unsuitable for recitation in mixed company will still be here! We'll have more articles, more 8BitV-Casts, and more live streams of animal euthanasia than ever before.

So get ready, all you loyal readers... It's getting better.


P.S. Five Variety Points(?) to whoever who can tell me which TV show the title of this article is referencing! GO!


  1. Oooh... definitely Arrested Development :) And nice logo!

  2. Arrested Development! I love it!! :)

  3. Yo, BitNick, good to see you're back with the site.

    Also, I seemed to notice that Nintendo Nation isn't in your friends list. How is that? I've added you guys so it would be nice if you could add us back.

    I'm looking forward to more 8BitVCasts, so keep 'em coming!

    Your pal and fellow blogger/tweeter/podcaster, The Strikester

  4. @Erica

    Excellent work! You are definitely our winner! I'll tell my imaginary secretary to jot down your Variety Points!

    @Nick and Keira

    Good effort, but maybe if you'd been a little faster to look at banner... :)


    Good to hear from you!

    You know, Nintendo Nation is, and has been since its inception, my southern hemispheric friend, and your exclusion from the "Friends of" list was an oversight. As I was putting my friends into that little widget, I was using the "Blogs I Follow" list to add them easily. For some reason (and I'm guessing it's related to your name change a while back), your blog doesn't show up in that list in Blogger for me.

    I've added you manually now, though, so it's all taken care of! Shall we go one step further and talk about becoming affiliates? Just in case you're interested... :)

    Thanks guys!


  5. Good to see you posting. I think any guest writers (in reference to your about page) would have a tough task matching your sense of humor though - epic use of image at the beginning. Hope to see a lot more coming soon bud!

  6. @Chalgyr Vokel

    Thanks for the kind words, my friend! I know now that at least two people on the internet think I'm funny: you, and me. Still, that is an audience worth writing for!

    I know that you did this a few weeks ago, but when, and why, did you add the 'Vokel' to your name?


  7. It was something odd w/ attaching my account to Google+

    It required a last name now, and I really didn't like it was showing my first and last REAL names, so I went with the last name of my 'Chalgyr' roleplay character from like, 15 years ago. :)


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